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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gardener Finds a 17 Feet Snake As A Gift From His Neighbour

In Blackburn, Britain, a man couldn't find any way to get rid of his 17 feet snake, which he didn't expect to grow excessively, except throwing it in his neighbour's farm, which contains many other animals. The poor gardener neighbour was shocked when he saw the snake, he first thought it was a branch until it started to move.

The quick thinking retired signmaker of Wensley Road, Blackburn, feared the snake would eat some of his 60 chickens, seven goats, 28 ducks, 10 geese, five turkeys, eight rabbits, 10 pigeons, baby ducks and chicks and cats. So he immediately called the RSPCA who came and took the giant snake, that made me "GoAmazed", to a better home.

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Anonymous said...

I do like this Blog, it is really nice.

(German Shepherd Dogs)

M.Awara said...

Thanks for the compliment, Mohamed. you are always welcomed to come and read posts anytime.

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