To be hurt from someone you admire and was considering him/her the closest person for you is the hardest thing you can face in your life. Sometimes when someone hurt us we don't know what to say or what to do, I'm here today to provide you with 10 amazing sentences to say to the one who hurt you:
1- Tell him/her that you have forgotten them, turn the back of your heart and go in the opposite path. There must be another one who deserve your care and admiration.
2- Tell him/her that one days never come again, and there will be a day when you left them exactly as they did before. Remember that ages never go back.
3- Tell him/her that your last dream of them has ended and you have cried a lot after their departure and became convinced that they are dead and you don't have the ability to bring them to life again.
4- Tell him/her that their departure is not the end of the world, dreams, or sensations, what lead you to think again and discovering some beautiful, interesting, and exciting things around you that deserve to be adored and continue living for them.
5- Tell him/her that you moved all their fingerprints from the walls of your heart, all their daggers from your back, as well as cleaning all the areas contaminated by their love and the other areas that have been left without pollution are no longer available for their accommodation.
6- Tell him/her that you have abandoned all the waiting stations after them and you are no longer checking all the passenger's faces, going to crowds looking for their shadows, smelling their fragrances, waiting for a wonderful coincidence to meet them.
7- Tell him/her that their love is over, your heart is no longer beating by their pulse, their is no space in your mind to think of them, leaving them only yesterday with all its pain and morn.
8- Tell him/her that you bleed them just like your blood, you aborted them just like a dead fetus inside you, you released them just like birds and closed all the doors promising not to open again except for those who deserve your love and admiration.
9- Tell him/her that there is an age for every Sense, Dream, Tale, Morn, Pain, Happiness, Knight, legend, and their age has ended long time ago for you.
10- Don't Tell him/her any thing, just keep silent. Sometimes Silence can express what letters, words, and sentences disable to clarify.

These were just some sentences that will make you "GoAmazed" and help you overcome your agony and forget the people who don't deserve from you anything except forgetting them. Keep going in your life and my advice for you is that "Never regret anyone abandoned you".
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