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Monday, October 13, 2008

Cow Workout

When we go on diet, the words "Fat Free Milk" always come to our minds. But have you ever asked yourself, Where does this fat free milk come from? and what a cow can do to have its milk "Fat Free"? The secret revealed in this video that will make you "GoAmazed"...

After watching the video, you are probably now sure that cows do a lot of workout to get their milk " Fat Free" lol.

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"The Secret" Fuel Companies Don't Want You To Know...!!

As you know gas prices has gone through the rough and probably will never be cheap again. In just a minute this video will make you "GoAmazed" by showing you the secret that car manufacturers and fuel companies don't want you to know as well as revealing How to Get Double the Distance on Your Car with the Same Fuel Amount...

Hope you have enjoyed the video and start applying these secrets to your fuel system to overcome the unbearable gas prices nowadays. If you have any other suggestions, it will be great to share them with us.

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Top 10 Animals look Like human

Some humans look like animals and some animals look like human. The following photos are assumed to be real photos, but I'm deadly sure that they are photoshopped but they will definitely make you "GoAmazed"...

* I Got You...

* Please Forgive ME...

* Thinking Of You

* Dreaming To Be The King

* Shocked

* I'm Sexy

* Let's Dance

* Have a light?

* Leave Me Alone

* Just Kidding

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Kinetic Sculpture At BMW Museum In München

At the BMW Museum in München, Deutschland, 740 metallic orbs dance around and form shapes like cars, in mid-air.

The 740 metallic balls suspended in air will soothe your weary mind. It's one of those things that's better seen than described, but if you can imagine a wave of undulating orbs that appear to weightlessly float, you'll start to get the idea and "GoAmazed".

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The Matrix Mouse

A mouse thrown into a deadly viper's cage as a snack for the snake turned the tables – attacking and killing the serpent. The mouse was put into the cage by firefighters in Nantoun, Taiwan, after they'd removed the snake from a home in the area. Thinking the viper was probably hungry, the decided to feed the mouse to it. But the mouse had other ideas.

During a vicious 30-minute struggle the mouse tore at the serpent's head with its tiny paws and jaws, finally killing it. Snakes do have enemies; they can fall prey to large birds, wild boars, mongooses, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, other snakes. . . and apparently mice that could make us

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gardener Finds a 17 Feet Snake As A Gift From His Neighbour

In Blackburn, Britain, a man couldn't find any way to get rid of his 17 feet snake, which he didn't expect to grow excessively, except throwing it in his neighbour's farm, which contains many other animals. The poor gardener neighbour was shocked when he saw the snake, he first thought it was a branch until it started to move.

The quick thinking retired signmaker of Wensley Road, Blackburn, feared the snake would eat some of his 60 chickens, seven goats, 28 ducks, 10 geese, five turkeys, eight rabbits, 10 pigeons, baby ducks and chicks and cats. So he immediately called the RSPCA who came and took the giant snake, that made me "GoAmazed", to a better home.

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Amazing White Bird

When we read the word "Bird" or anyone utter it around us, we always think about the normal bird that we can see singing on the trees and they all have the same appearance and colors. But in the following photos and video you will discover a new meaning to the word "Bird" an amazing "White Bird", a case that can happen only one in a million and can simply make you "GoAmazed"...

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NO Seat Belt...NO Excuse

A lot of people doubt that car seat belts can be necessary for their safety. This video will make you "GoAmazed" as it shows what can happen if someone don't apply the seat belt...

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