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Saturday, March 28, 2009

World's First Flying Hotel In a Helicopter

Have you ever dream about spending your weekend in a "Flying Hotel"?
Now your dream has become a reality....
Yes, it is the time to "GoAmazed"

You can now reserve your room in a soviet Mil V-12 helicopter that has been modified to be the world’s biggest helicopter as well as the world’s first flying hotel. You can even enjoy gaming, yoga classes, and a tea garden.

There is no use to wonder how big and powerful this flying hotel, or what is its maximum speed; here are its specs:
* Dimensions Length: 42 m (137 ft)
* Height: 14m (45 ft)
* Maximum Takeoff Weight: 105850 kg (232,870 lb)
* Maximum speed: 255 km/h (137 kt) (158 miles/h)
* Cruising speed: 237 km/h (127 kt) (147 miles/h)
* Original Mi Range: 515 km (320 mi)

This gigantic flying Titanic is to take off on the 26th of June and the price is not being disclosed.

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Friday, March 27, 2009

Funniest Cartoon Characters of All Time

Cartoon Characters are as adorable to adults as children. we all love them and always laugh on the way they act and their crazy behaviors.
Following are the funniest cartoon characters ever, enjoy them and GoAmazed...!!

>>Bugs Bunny...

>>Tom & Jerry...


>>Mickey Mouse...



>>Chip & Dale...

>>Donald Duck...



>>Wile Coyote...

>>Pink Panther...

>>Stuart Little...


>>Kung Fu Panda...


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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More Than a Finger...!!

Discover some new & different uses of your fingers that will make you simply GoAmazed....











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Sunday, March 22, 2009

ladies, choose your weapons

weapons from all over the world are well known of their usual shapes, but as usual, women always try to add something special even in war and destruction fields.
Here is a collection of weapons specially designed for women and only women;












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