>>> Why a Jew can grow his beard in order to practice his faith,
But when Muslim does the same, he is an extremist and terrorist!
>>> Why a nun can be covered from head to toe in order to devote herself to God,
But when a Muslimah does the same she is oppressed!
>>> Why any girl can go to university wearing what she wills and have her rights and freedom,
But when Muslimah wears a Hijab they prevent her from entering her university!

>>> When a western women stays at home to look after her house and kids she is respected because of sacrificing herself and doing good for the household,
But when a Muslimah does so by her will, they say, "she needs to be liberated"!
>>> When a child dedicates himself to a subject he has potential,
But when he dedicates himself to Islam he is hopeless!
>>> When a Christian or a Jew kills someone religion is not mentioned,
But when Muslim is charged with a crime, it is Islam that goes to trial!

>>> When someone sacrfices himself to keep others alive, he is noble and all respect him,
But when a Palestinian does that to save his son from being killed, his brother's arm being broken, his mother being raped, his home being destroyed, and his masjid being violated -- He gets the title of a terrorist!
>>> When someone drives a perfect car in a bad way no one blames the car,
But when any Muslim makes a mistake or treats people in a bad manner - people say "Islam is the reason"!
>>> Why people believe what the newspapers say Without looking to the tradition of Islam,
But always keep questioning what the Quran says!

>>> Ever Wondered WHY???!!!
>>> WHY???!!! WHY???!!!
BTW, this article was written by one of my friends, and made me really "GoAmazed" when I first read it and I found "an answer" >>Hope you can find and share your answer too<<
yes I don't understand why religion is to be blamed. NO religion teaches you to kill people.. no religion teaches you to dominate anyone.. no religion teaches you to ridicule other religion.. But it's us people who make all these rules.. well what i think is.. there are certain group of people who commit crime in the name of religion.. and those group of people give a bad name to everyone who follows that religion.. at the end the innocents are the ones to suffer.. it's like if you have a bad leader, the whole country suffers.. the innocent citizens don't even know where tax went.. why despite of doing everything they are asked to do.. they still don get proper education.. sometimes even the basic necessities.. so it is all about who is the influence.. and about why when christians ladies are appreciated when they stay home.. cos they can make the choice.. if they wanna stay home.. they can.. if they wanna work they can.. if other women in the world would get the same privilege they wouldn't have to fight for their right.. cos if they get their right to choose then they wouldn't really be fighting for what is already their.. Everybody deserves a right to choose.. a freedom to decide.. a freedom to live their life.. and as long as people take that away from a woman, a child or a man.. there'll be protests and people who take that for granted in the name of religion is DISGRACE..
I find it reprehensible that some fanatics have caused one of the world's great religions to be so maligned. I have actually read the Quran, and no where does it advocate the type of violence that some fanatics are promoting. In fact, Muhammad preached tolerance and respect for the Jews and the Christians. All of us should follow those types of teachings and not condemn an entire culture for the actions of a minority. I do acknowledge that many women in different cultures do not have the right to choose their own path in life; however, does their desire to have that type of freedom mean that they must reject their religious beliefs? I really do not think so. There needs to be a realization that one can have both. Islam actually teaches respect for women; and Muhammad himself deeply loved and respected his first wife, who was a wealthy woman in her own right. Respect for human rights (including women's rights) should be a goal of all nations and peoples. This goal can never be achieved through any type of intolerance and ignorance practiced by anyone.
First of all, thanks for your kind comments & answers... I can see that we all agree that it is completely denied to generalize certain idea or opinion about group of people...I want to reveal something important for "Alka" that women here in Egypt enjoy their freedom without any restrictions...nowadays the number of women who work in the governmental departments is higher than men which shows that women are not oppressed to stay at home, on the contrary they are free to go out and even have their own private projects in the private sectors.
I'm really happy with Dena's additions that Islam is a religion that call for tolerance and not for terrorism at all. thanks Dena for your words, go on and keep reading more about Quran to know more about Islam
Every religion on this earth teaches only the best way of spending a life, and Islam is the best of them. Culrpits are present everywhere in every religion as well as the good people, if a person is doing a bad thing then its not his religion which enforces him to do so rather its his own thinking. So stop blaming ISLAM for God sake. There are so many terrorist present in other religions as well, what if somebody stands up and starts blaming CHRISTANITY or anyother religion because those people belong to that religion. No, that would be completely wrong, because a person doing an evil act is just using the name of a religion as a sheild so that other innocent and emotional people support him, infact he has nothing to do with the religion. Whether he was born in a muslim or jewish or a christian family. Stop hating ISLAM.
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