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Thursday, January 22, 2009

No Comment...

Actually, the following collection of pics gained my attention during a long time surfing of interesting photos, BUT I couldn't find a suitable comment to them, So I decided to let the comments up to you and I'm sure that you all will "GoAmazed" and give some different stunning comments...(Pick your pic and give a comment)











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Alka said...

alright lemme comment on each of the pictures: more like caption!!
#1. HMMMM that's Carrot Top right??
#2. Einstein's experiment gone wrong
#3. Camouflaged!!!
#4. Tickets to heaven - Only for idiots.
#5. Phantom of Opera !!
#6. I'm all ears and skulls!!! talk to me..
#7. GUGU!!
#8. We not gonna tie a knot but get screwed..
#9. -------
#10. that's the prettier side!!!

Akum said...

wow! that's all i can say!

M.Awara said...

wow, alka you really made a good work>>Amazing comments<<.....but we still have one #9. without a comment ;) lol

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