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Friday, May 22, 2009

Why Don't You Try To Kiss A Real Woman...!!

This baby had a great preparation to go to the next level and try to kiss a real woman...

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Amazing Designed Bridges of The World

differ from place to place, town to town, and country to country. They are very useful and always links between two hard to reach places. They vary in their shapes and and styles depend on each country's civilization. Here are some of the most amazing bridges of the world...














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Thursday, May 7, 2009

How To Simply Loose Your Partner...??

Have you ever wanted to dump your boyfriend or girlfriend?

Every relationship brings together at least two sets of opinions, morals, values and beliefs. With so many different points of view represented it is no wonder that sometimes attitudes clash and a rocky road results.
Like the songs says, "breaking up is hard to do," but that doesn't mean it isn't often necessary. There's no sense in wasting one minute of your youth (or what's left of it) on an undeserving guy/girl.

Do you still think it’s hard to get rid of the guy/girl you don’t want any more?
Well, you can make it easy if you use these tips below:

Start becoming unavailable and Stop returning their calls; Once you stop doing things, you used to do with your current "love", they'll begin to think you've become boring and won't want to hang out with you anymore.

Start avoiding them, and check out other people; If you happen to see them at a party, act like you don't see them, your ex will soon get the picture that your eye isn't on them anymore.

Keep telling your ex that he/she would be nothing without you Tell him/her that because of your equal rights you can do his/her job better. “My God! Can’t you do anything right?”

Don’t let him see any sports on TV; make sure that you have all seasons of “Sex and the City”. When he is sitting next to you, to watch the soap, make fun of him and tell him that he acts like a woman.

Let him/her to open the refrigerator and the only thing they will find inside is some empty shelves. Don't let them find any thing that they like

Start to yawn while you are having sex. No matter how fast or how good it is, just yawn!

Cut some Cables off his PC. When he starts complaining, start laughing and tell him how much you enjoy it.

If you follow the previous tips correctly, you will be on your right way to get rid of your ex-lover...

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