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Monday, April 20, 2009

Crazy Fights

We used to see a lot of fights in our daily life, in work, street, shops, TV, etc...
but there are some fights that linger to our mind and we can't ever forget them, just because they are funny and crazy fights.
Following are some crazy photos of the funniest and craziest fights ever...














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Friday, April 17, 2009

Funtastic Things Gone Wrong

Things Gone Wrong (TGW) are always things that we never expect them to happen, they just happen coincidentally without any previous planning. They are always things that really hurt or force you to say (Ouch) or (opps) but they force you to laugh as well. Here are some photos of the most hilarious and funtastic "Things Gone Wrong". Hope you will GoAmazed and share with us any experience of things gone wrong with you before...















Now...!! Enjoy Watching The Video

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Injaz: World's First Cloned Camel Born In Dubai

Scientists declared the first cloned camel, called Achievement or Injaz in Arabic, who was born in the desert emirate of Dubai on April 8 after an uncomplicated gestation of 378 days.
They added that; the cloned camel is a six-day-old, one-humped female and was created by cells harvested from the ovary of an adult female camel.

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Amazing New Concept of Transportation

Transportation is always known with its stable and regular methods just like ordinary bicycles, motors, cars, buses, trains, and even planes. But have you ever thought about a new concept of transportation that introduces a different meaning of going from a place to another...??!!
The following pics show some of the strangest transportation ways I have ever seen; enjoy them and GoAmazed...!!













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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Strangest Sleeping Styles of All Times

Your Sleeping Style reveals something about your character! yeah that is right;
Everyone of us has his own sleeping style that he/she really feels comfortable with and used to it without noticing that.
Some of us prefer to sleep on his/her right side, left side or even his/her back, but the following are some people who decided to introduce a new unbelievable meaning of "Sleeping Styles", check them out and simply GoAmazed...






















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